Slowly that plan is starting to come together. Threw more stuff away today, and took another bag full to the charity shop. Will continue to work my way around the room! All my Studio Ghibli dvd's are now stacked nicely together on one shelf, and it does give me a warm glow inside to see them all stacked together. Really must invite Kezz and Naomi round to finish watching the craziness, that is Panda go Panda. You've gotta love the early Myazaki's :) I've seen plushies for Papa Panda and Baby Panda, but I must hold back, money to save for the holiday and all that. Plus I got Scooter back today from being repaired, so that was another £38, I hadn't allowed for boo! But to cheer me up, I took Dad to the cinema tonight to see The A-Team. Back when I was little, Saturday afternoons, The A-team, that was Dad and me time, sat on the sofa watching it together. Howling Mad Murdock was my favourite character, and after seeing the new film, that is still the case. I know alot of people have knocked it, but we both thought it was really good!! Funny, action packed, and you could tell the cast was having fun, and I always enjoy films more if you see that.
So I've just got back in, and have dealt with the fun task of getting the washing in, when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. It was the biggest slug I have ever seen!!! Seriously, it was on the same scale as Jabba the Hut, Yuk! Don't know where they keep coming from at the moment!
Tomorrow I am hosting a Toystory Tea Party! Hannah and Simone are bringing the kids round, and we're going to watch the films, ( well attempt as all 3 kids are under 2 and a half, but we adults will enjoy). As anyone who knows me, knows I love a good theme, so I have got Toystory tableware, cake, chocs and each guest has a Toystory themed gift, wrapped in, you've guessed it, Toystory paper!!! I like going OTT! The thing that depressed me was, I was hunting everywhere for the dvds on my shelves, and eventually found the VIDEOS for both 1 and 2!!!! Sigh, I didn't think that the films or I was that old........... oh well!
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