Most people will have heard of and seen the highly cute and collectible Momiji dolls!! I discovered them, pretty much when they first came out and my Mum and Nana bought me some, and I have been collecting them ever since!!
To give you a bit more back history, I will take the words, direct from the creators mouths, so to speak -
"The Momiji story began just over 6 years ago. Back in 2005 we created our first collection of 12 Momiji dolls…life before that date now seems to be a bit of a hazy memory and since then our days (and occasionally our nights) have become devoted to these little dolls.Momiji HQ is a little office in Henley in Arden. It's a small village in Warwickshire, England, famous for its legendary ice cream. Maybe one day it will be famous for Momiji too. From our tiny office we’ve become truly global. We've got designers creating lovely stuff all over the place (United Kingdom, Austria, Malaysia, Australia, Chile, Thailand, Germany, Canada, Slovenia to name but a few...)
Momiji is inspired by friendship and little kindnesses. It's about filling life with memories and messages"
I love the fact that these cute little Japanese figures are made in a small English village.
As mentioned aboved, there are many different collections, with different designs in each, and they are effectively limited edition, as they are only released for a short period of time.

Momiji have also branched out into accessories as well, I already own the compact mirror, hairclips, pens, notebook, umbrella..... lol, I own quite alot!!
So as you can see I am already a huge Momiji fan, so imagine my excitement at their latest collection, they have joined forces with Sanrio and have produced a Hello Kitty collection!!! Squeal!!

I've already sat my Mum in front of the website, saying "Christmas!" repeatedly, I think she got the message. Again they have also produced some accessories, I've already treated myself to this uber cute zip pouch -

but theres also all these to get as well!!

So I'm off to write my letter to Santa, if you want to see more Momiji check out the site, http://lovemomiji.com/. They also have a blog http://lovemomiji.com/momiji-blog/1