Like most people I like freebies! So when I saw the advert that Vistaprint were offering 500 business cards for free (you just have to pay the postage and VAT) I had to check it out. Now i've ordered from them before and had some great photo calenders made, so I thought it was worth looking into. I fancied a simple design, with my details on, so that I could put a card with anything that I sell, or just to hand out if someone is interested in my designs. For the free cards you get to choose from about 10 free designs, I went for the cupcake theme, as I love cupcakes and am currently on a theme of making them. I then put all my details on, which is when Dave pointed out to me that I could do with a sole e-mail address, so welcome - socuteitmakesyousqueal@hotmail.co.uk, and then I thought I needed a sole facebook account, so search socute itmakesyousqueal (had to make it like a name!)
So for the grand total of £6.27 (the above mentioned p+p & vat), I have coming my way 500 business cards and a business card holder (FREE!), I will need to decorate this as it's a bit plain at present, but for free, who minds!!
So check out www.vistaprint.co.uk for some good freebies!