Well I have returned from Kent and Disneyland Paris, and I had a lovely time! Disney was as lovely as ever, and I must say that I was very impressed with the new Toystory Playland. They have designed it so that you feel like the size of a toy! Even the shop was the Barrel of Monkeys! I got to have my photo taken with Rex, an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

I was trying to be much braver this time, even convoncing myself that I would go on the Tower of Terror this time, and Crush's coaster. However as I approached the Tower of Terror and heard the screams, I began to feel the fear creep in to my belly. I'm such a wimp when it comes to rides! I decided that the new Toystory soldiers parachute drop was the way to go, what a mistake. I didn't realise how high it went up, (and forgot about my Dads fear of heights, oops!) When we were right at the top, we could see right over the top of the castle in the other park, and our hotels roof, and then it dropped us! Scream!! We definately got more drops than other people did!!

I loved how there were the toy soldiers dotted about everywhere, and they even had the baby monitor like in the movie!
Right to my purchases, I bought quite a bit, lol!! I was a bit more reserved than 2 years ago (it all fitted in one holdall this year). So here are a few highlights -
Firstly a Disney fan with a love of Kawaii, how can I resist some plushies!!

Mum and Dad always buy me a Stitch plushie (I have quite a growing collection), and I couldn't believe it when I found this design, combining my love of Stitch with Starwars!! Yoda Stitch!! Then I was drawn to this very cute Zero plushie, he is made from such a soft material! Continuing with Stich (theres a theme). I bought a variety of stationery items, and Mum bought me the Stitch starsign keyring!

After Mum bought her Minnie Mouse fleece top 2 years ago, I've been hankering for something cute and warm myself! So I chose this cute Stich Zip up hoody! This is the back view -

Disney Vinylmation had really taken off this time. If anyone hasn't seen them, they are like Qee's, but Mickey shaped and different artists design them. You can get themes, or just images. I have been collecting the pin version for a while, and had the purse for my holiday.

I liked lots of the designs, I really liked the rucksack but at 45euros, I admired it from afar! I did treat myself to a design from the Nerd series, well I am myself a Nerd, and ever since the Rescue Rangers, i've had a thing for Chip!

My Mum was equally taken with them (unlike my Dad who found them disturbing, lol) and she bought one from the Bakery series!

All in all I had an amazing time, and am very pleased with all my souveneirs! :) You will see from the new layout of my blog, that after reading my friend Judy's travel blog, I realised I can layout the pictures differently! Lol!! To end this post on something majorly cute, I leave you a picture of the most romantic of couples, Walle and Eve!!!!