Well I think I can safely say the teaparty was a success! Lots of playing, lots of eating, and some watching of the film, so all in all pretty good! There were some intersting scenes, where both Evan and Lily both wanted to play with Poirot, my large cuddily guard dog, so a wrestling match ensued. No overall winner, just two exhausted toddlers, and a very unhappy looking plushie! Han and I have made plans to go and see Toy story 3 next week, i'm really looking forward to it, although alot of people have warned me that it is quite emotional. So I won't stand a chance, I blubbed like a baby when Ray died in Princess and the Frog! I am really liking the look of Mr Pricklepants the Hedgehog, especially as he's voiced by Timothy Dalton. He just looks so cute, I really wanted one of the plushies, but they have sold out from the Uk Disney site, boo. I'm hoping that when TS3 has been released they will do a dvd boxset of all 3 films. It's been ages since i had to use my video player,and for some unknown reason the dvd screensaver was ghosting through the film. "Don't worry" says Simone "the kids won't know any different", except they did look confused when the toys were trying to escape Sids house, whilst dolphins were leaping out of water!! Luckily after time the screensaver seemed to disappear. Must get Dave to sort that for me.
I posted the No Face felt keyring I had made on Facebook, and he has received alot of positive reviews, so that had given my creative juices a boost. When I get the energy (I have had to hoover multiple times today), I am going to drag myself up to bed, and put Howls Moving Castle on, I have had a yearning to watch it most of the day, although knowing me i'll put it on, and then wake up at the end!
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