Well I have been busy doing lots of charity events, as well as work and planning the 100 year events!!
First on Wednesday Jakki and I took part in Barrow's biggest Zumba! Although I kept getting it confused and calling it the Worlds Biggest Zumba! We did it to help raise money for SSAFA - Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association, so it was a very good cause!! It was great fun, and I really enjoyed it.
Next up was our Charity Committees Hawaiian Night, raising money for The Guide Dogs for the Blind! It was a fab night! I felt rushed getting it ready, especially as my help was late, but we got it all together, and I think the decorations I got made the catering unit look great!! I'd quite like to keep it that way, lol! I walked back to Mums after with Jakki and Jayne to get my bike, with Jakki and I still in full Hula gear! Got some looks and comments, lol! When I went into Mum's I decided to continue the party, so Buster and I Hula'd up!
Now I am sat back chilling, watching Myazaki's Sherlock Hound! Don't know what Arthur Conan Doyle would make of it, but it's something to watch!