Ever seen something so cute it makes you squeal out loud??? If so, you may like my blog. My blog is dedicated to recording cute items, themes, a love of Disney & felt items that I make, enjoy!
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Hitting the sales
Well it would be rude not too, and even though I have been back at work for 2 days, thanks to the wonder of the internet, I have not missed out on any! Maybe for money saving ideas, I should have, ha ha!
Firstly I looked on one of my favourite sites - www.artbox.co.uk, seriously if I ever win the lottery, I will be purchasing pretty much everything!!! But until then, I treated myself to some bargains, like this super cute purse -
Which is a steal at 82p!! I really couldn't believe my eyes!! I have also ordered some items, which will be suitable for presents! Like these glasses - http://www.artbox.co.uk/artbox-panda-meet-girl-plastic-p-1491.html
Love them, I got a couple earlier on in the year and everyone admires them :)
I have also been shopping on www.paperchase.co.uk, and managed to get a Happy Noodle luggage tag in the sale! Yay!!
I have also been to New Look today, and definately spent more than I should of :{ But the jewellery was such a good price, and so unusual! I cannot resist jewellery! It is a huge weakness of mine!
I love it all (hence I bought it, lol, stupid statement) but the main thing I love is how unusual it all is, the leopard head, the Hat rings, the bird in the nest! So cute, and my insect bracelet! So Victorian! Anyway i'm pretty much all spent up now!
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Approaching the end of 2010....

Well I haven't posted since Halloween and the main reason for this was a sad one, as on Halloween I lost my most beloved dog Buster. Anyone who knows me and my family, knows he was so much more than just a pet, he was the fourth member of our family, he was our soul mate, best friend, baby and saviour, and I can stress to you now he is sorely missed. So Christmas has bee approached with trepidation, as it was the 2 year anniversary of loosing Nana on the 20th Dec, and then our first Christmas without Buster. I have opted for the work myself into the ground option, going in on my days off etc. This has left me frankly exhausted, and left me no time to do anything. So I have not reallty done much crafting. I did make a few Xmas bits, The Pudding giftbag I made for my friend Kaye for Xmas and filled it with sweets, and I have learnt to crochet, which I am in the process of attempting to make a scarf, which I plan on decorating with some felt detail, but I still have a long way to go!
For Christmas I was totally spoilt, and got some uber cute gifts, which I will post pics of some soon!!
Today, although I was trying to be good, I broke and checked out Artboxes sale!! www.artbox.co.uk They have some fantastic stuff and I ordered some items, that will do for presents, (I buy early!) as well as some treats for myself!! I love the Panda items, which I am very lucky as my friend Judy bought me the most awesome bag, which I may use to store my crochet items, as I could do with keeping it all safe!! :)
Anyway, must head off mor tv to watch and chocs to eat! Will post again soon, need to get back into the swing of things, and need to see If in 2011 I can get anyone reading this thing!!!
Friday, 1 October 2010
Halloween Felts

Been busy working on some designs for my FAVOURITE time of year, Halloween!!! :)
Made some mini loot bags, which I have also has fun filling with relevant sweets. I found some Gummy werewolves, and for sweets, there very detailed!
Have a couple of orders, which is nice, as I haven't had any for a while.
I've also been working on some Christmas designs, which I will post later!
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Still Busy, but found time to make new felt items!
Well the staff 100 year party seemed to go well, and everyone has said they had a good time, so Yay!!!!
The cake loooked amazing, I was very pleased with it, and it was very tasty!!
During this hectic schedule, I was actually able to make some felt items! First I made a Christmas Gift tag, as I found some Happy Christmas Ribbon, for £1 a roll! He's a Gingerbread man, and on the back, he has a pocket that a message can be folded up into!
Next as we are fast approaching my favourite time of the year, I thought I'd better make some goodies, so here is the first, my little Bat!!
Right best go get a cup of tea, having a lazy morning as today is the Stocktake midnight shift!
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Holiday? What Holiday?

Well I am back from Budapest, but have had no chance to write about it, as I have gine straight back to work, and it's been so busy. Stocktake, section relays, I had to work Sunday, then this saturday I'm working till midnight! Sigh.....
Anyway, Budapest = Beautiful! The architecture is amazing, and I love how they use buildings that are available for shops etc, I hardly saw any new builds!
My top 3 favourite parts of the holiday -
1) Fishermans Bastion - Described as 'Disneyesque' which is probably why I like it, lol! The views from there were amazing, and it was just relaxing, even though there was alot of tourists.
2)Church in the rock - A church built using the natural structure of caves! Absolutely fascinating, and very peaceful.
3) Hungarian market - An indoor Market (situated in a beautiful building) that had stalls of Sausage, Chicken liver pate (Hungarian Delicacy), Unicum (Hungarian Liquer),Paprika, Lace, and Wooden Folk Dolls, which I love! There were also food stalls, I had a lovely Goulash soup there!!
All in all I can reccomend Budapest, clean, friendly, and value for money!! Especially for food and drink!!
I can't say I found Hungrian Kawaii, but the painted wood, was beautiful, and I bought lots of souvenirs, wooden dolls, painted ring etc.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Tweet, Tweet.....
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
so busy I've changed my Facebook profile pic to a very busy Bee!!!

Well the 100 year celebrations are a day and a but away!! Eek, I can't believe how much I have left to do, and my pens are missing. But the exhibition arrived today, and I think it looks really good. I really like the uniform from 1949!
So tonight imbetween emailing instructions into work, I also managed to catch up on Super Cute Kawaii, and they are doing a competition (will blog link) with ModeS4u. I took a lokk at the site, and they have some really cool stuff. I especially love this Russian Doll Bento Box!! I have a weakness for Russian Dolls anyway, but these have such cute faces!!!! :) So much awesome stuff on the site, I really, really need to win the lottery!!!
In other news, it is fast approaching my most favourite time of year...... HALLOWEEN!!! I got awesome invites on Saturday, reduced in the sale, sparkly skulls!! Then today my Mum bought me my first Halloween dec! I have more Halloween decorations than Christmas Decs! LOL!! I have decided I really need to go to Disneyland Paris for Halloween, I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED too. They keep sending me leaflets and it looks amazing!!! I really do need that lottery ticket!!
Friday, 27 August 2010

Well I have been busy doing lots of charity events, as well as work and planning the 100 year events!!
First on Wednesday Jakki and I took part in Barrow's biggest Zumba! Although I kept getting it confused and calling it the Worlds Biggest Zumba! We did it to help raise money for SSAFA - Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association, so it was a very good cause!! It was great fun, and I really enjoyed it.
Next up was our Charity Committees Hawaiian Night, raising money for The Guide Dogs for the Blind! It was a fab night! I felt rushed getting it ready, especially as my help was late, but we got it all together, and I think the decorations I got made the catering unit look great!! I'd quite like to keep it that way, lol! I walked back to Mums after with Jakki and Jayne to get my bike, with Jakki and I still in full Hula gear! Got some looks and comments, lol! When I went into Mum's I decided to continue the party, so Buster and I Hula'd up!
Now I am sat back chilling, watching Myazaki's Sherlock Hound! Don't know what Arthur Conan Doyle would make of it, but it's something to watch!
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Brain Slug
Been away for a while, been busy working and planning the stores centenary party! I did manage to quickly make this Brain Slug, as suggested by Mr Gordon!
Monday, 16 August 2010
Party Planner

Well I have been a busy little bee!!!! Our store has it's centenary next month, and I am in charge of organising a celebration on the actual day, and for organising a party for the staff!!! Luckily I have budgets, and I'm getting quite a bit for my money, but the staff party budget is starting to dwindle now!! Tonight I ordered dual sided photo keyrings to be made, with a black and white photo from 1911 on one side, and a colour photo from last year on the other. Each member of staff will get one of those. Then I am trying to do a kind of goodie bag for the people that turn up to the party. See how I go! For the day celebration instore, I have a magician booked, a face painter, and we're doing lots of fundraising for our charity Guide dogs for the blind!! Speaking of which, for our fund raising we are also doing a Hawaiian Cocktail night next week, I have a grass skirt and everything!! Really looking forward to that, as again I am on a theme, and have got decs etc!!!! Love it!!!
Hair is blonder again, thanks to Dave. He kindly dyed it for me, and made me relax with a face mask this weekend to try and combat the Panda look!! Panda's are really cute, but I really need to not look like one!!
I'm hoping that this week the Ponyo stuff Dave has bought me ( Bribery for abandoning me Bank Hol weekend to go and see Guns N Roses), turns up!! I ordered a phone charm, and a mini handbag, in the shape of her in fish form!! Really hope it comes soon!! Speaking of which I found on Jlist this little ponyo that goes in your bath, and chases the ham!!! I really want one but the postage was dear!! My mission is to track a more affordable one down!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
I'm never throwing a toy away again!!!!

Well I have just got back from the cinema, with moist eyes, and a huge lump in my throat!!! Toy Story 3 was amazing, laugh out loud funny, but my word tugged at my hear strings!!!!! I am an emotional wreck!! Han and I were both choked up to the max!! What a way to end a film franchise!!
Now I'm taking as many old toys I can find up to bed with me!
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Wonder if Santa starts this early......

Well had a long day at work yesterday. 7:15am - 8:15pm, doing a mini stocktake on the new system, didn't go too badly which was a blessing.
Today I started the task of finding the august and september birthday presents and to find the Christmas presents for the family down south. I am constantly buying presents, and am always prepared, but tracking them all down again when needed is another task! I am just missing two at present, so I will have to continue the hunt this week. I'm having to get them ready so they can hitch a ride next month with Uncle Kit. Couldn't afford to post them all, plus they probably wouldn't make it in one piece. So currenty my bedroom looks like Santas workshop, with Christmas paper and tags strewn across it!
The Chilli I'm attempting to grow, seems to be doing ok, well its getting bigger at least. After the Pumpkin disaster of last year, I thought that a smaller attempt may be better. Dad's first attempt at growing potatoes has gone well, and we will be eating them tonight with dinner, and he has some tomatoes showing on his plant! He'll be self sufficient soon :)
Friday, 6 August 2010
Radio what's new? Radio, someone still loves you!

Well I just had to post again to say how this afternoon went. Basically really well, when I arrived I was taken straight into Studio 1. Because Steven was busy in Carlisle, the lady who showed me in began to record my blog. Steven had emailed through the parts he wanted me to read so it would stay within the time slot. I had to sit at a desk, with a rather large microphone in front of me, then when given the nod, I was able to start reading. Unfortunately my age old problem of speaking too fast kicked in! It was like being at Primary school again, doing assembly and having Mrs Thomas or Mrs Elliot begging me to slow down, lol! I never have needed punctuation! Anyway I eventually (after a few takes) managed to bring my speaking down to a better pace, and it was all recorded. It didn't take long at all, and to top of my visit, Steven had arranged for me to be given some Radio Cumbria mugs! Much better souveneir than a pen! So kind! One is in pride of place on my desk in my study, and the other I had a cup of tea in as soon as I got in!
Had fun really, it was brief, but a new experience, and I've never been in a radio studio before. Just need to find out now, when it will be aired!
Video killed the Radio star!
Well this afternoon I head down to the Radio Cumbria offices to make my recording, starting to feel a bit nervous but hey ho, i'm sure it will be ok. As my Friend Dave Gordon has said, take it as an oppurtunity. Will have to see if i can get a pen or something as a souveneir of the day, lol!!
This morning I have been sorting through more clothes, and I cannot believe how many tops I have accumulated through the years. So far I have a large bag full to take to St Mary's hopsice charity shop, and I have some to take to Kezz and Lou's clothes swap party next week. Will have to be careful that I don't clear out a load, just to swap for more back!! Not been to one of these partys before, so it will be something different to look forward too.
Onto the cute side of things, today my Adipose stress toy arrived, and it really is cute, and so squishy!!! I think I will have to keep it in the box, as I can see it becoming a dustball in a very small space of time.
Also I found these really, really cute cookies and milk keyrings at Claire's, I actually did do a little squeal when I spotted them, which made Dave jump! I bought two sets, so that I can send some to my friends. I think Judy will like them best of all.
Right back to the clearing out, I have about 100 pairs of pyjama's that I need to srt through!
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